March 06, 2005

Village sewer plant may block TC3 expansion; snowmobile benefit

This week's Dryden Courier leads with an article on roadblocks to TC3's expansion. Governor Pataki's veto of funding for it last year has stalled it, but even with the money, there's another large problem: needed repairs for the Village of Dryden sewer plant, which have resulted in a moratorium "on any increased inflow to the Village of Dryden's sewage treatment plant by out-of-village users." (The town and village boards held a joint meeting about this in April.) The current estimated cost of that work is $4.8 million. Mayor Reba Taylor and other town and village representatives went to Albany:

to ascertain Dryden's chances of finding state and federal money to fix their aging water treatment plant.

The chances, they found out, were next to zero.

This looks like it will be an ongoing discussion for the town and village, as Supervisor Trumbull estimates in the article that the town's share of the work is 36 or 36 percent, and the Draft Comprehensive Plan's maps 5-1 and 5-3 propose new development and water and sewer systems near the village.

The Courier visited the Dryden-Caroline Drifters on their Chicks Ride benefit for the Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance, and has a picture of snowmobilers heading out of the VFW on the cover.

The Courier has two articles on the Dryden Central School District, one on the elimination of a principal's position at Dryden Elementary School and one on a preliminary budget.

In sports, Megan Stuttle and James Holman qualified for the state indoor track tournament, which will be held today at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse.

Posted by simonstl at March 6, 2005 10:41 AM
Note on photos