April 03, 2005

School project news good, school budget complicated

This week's Dryden Courier leads with good news: bids for elementary school renovations came in $180,000 under the expected $9.4 million budget. The referendum authorizing the project had been passed two years ago, and the board was very concerned about costs having increased. Fortunately, they didn't.

There's also an article on the challenges of the "strong-willed" Dryden school budget, which increased between $35,000 and $100,000 after $1 million in cuts at a previous meeting. Sorting out which positions to keep and which to cut sounds painful, and board members had a "discussion of how this year's thrift might trigger the need for astronomical increases next year. There will be an open workshop tomorrow night at 6:30pm at the High School/Middle School library.

A picture of retiring Etna Postmaster Judy Auble-Zazzara cutting the cake at her retirement part graces the front page.

In sports, there's some discussion of new Dryden baseball coach Kim Brown, as well as the team's prospects: "the team will have to mature quickly in order to stay in the pack." There's also a picture of Dryden player Bryan White from a game against Trumansburg last year.

Posted by simonstl at April 3, 2005 10:29 AM
Note on photos