April 11, 2005

Dryden Lake Trail not for snowmobiles

This morning's Ithaca Journal is quiet on Dryden except for one letter from Leslie Fladd of Dryden, who writes about snowmobiles on the Dryden Lake Trail when they're not supposed to be there. As Fladd puts it:

The Dryden Lake Trail, particularly the portion running adjacent to the lake, is a tranquil oasis of beauty and peace, that is until we folks on foot have to jump out of the way of snowmobiles, and ducks and geese take fearful flight, and the buzz-saw screech and stench of fuel cut through the air, destroying the peace of this wonderful natural resource.

The Journal contacted Zoning Officer Henry Slater, who confirms that snowmobiles, except when formally grooming the trail, are not supposed to be there.

I've definitely seen snowmobiles on the trail, and it didn't look like any grooming was involved.

Posted by simonstl at April 11, 2005 08:14 AM
Note on photos