June 02, 2005

W. David Restey opposes Robertson for Legislature

It looks like both of Dryden's Democratic county legislators have opponents this, year, as W. David Restey announced his intentions to run against County Legislator Martha Robertson:

W. David Restey to run for County Legislature District 13, Town of Dryden

Taxes and Spending, Infrastructure Key Issues

W. David Restey, 62, who resides at 65 Sunset West Circle in the Town of Dryden, has declared his intention to run for the District 13 seat on the Tompkins County Legislature currently occupied by Martha Robertson.

Dave Restey, as he is known in the community, has lived in Dryden for 15 years along with his wife of 26 years, Beverly. They have three grown children and two grandchildren. He is employed in the Demographic and Lifestyle Segmentation Sales Department at Claritas at the Cornell Technology Park. Restey is a Vietnam-era veteran honorably discharged from the U. S. Navy. He is a member of the Dryden VFW and American Legion. His wife Beverly has been a Cornell University Trust Officer for the past 15 years.

Restey cites several reasons for his decision to enter the race for the District 13 seat.

Said Restey: "Like many other homeowners in this county I have become alarmed at the escalating county taxes driven by out-of-control spending fostered by the leadership of the current county legislature. It is my firm belief that the current majority, which includes my opponent, is seriously out of touch with most of the residents of this county in prioritizing the important issues facing the taxpayers and residents of Tompkins County. In the coming months leading up to the election I will make every effort to personally speak to every voter in the District."

Restey cites the following issues as some of the reasons for his decision to run:

  • The alarming growth of county taxes and spending
  • The need to prioritize county priorities and keep costs down
  • The crumbling infrastructure of roads and bridges
  • The inability of the county to resolve the issues with the county jail

Said Tompkins County Republican Committee Vice Chair Mark Finkelstein: "Dave Restey has received the enthusiastic endorsement of the Town of Dryden GOP and of the Executive Committee of the Tompkins County GOP. Dave will bring to the legislature his experience in serving the country and in his work in the private sector. He has a solid, commonsense approach to addressing the pressing issues facing our county: getting taxes and spending under control and attending to infrastructure that the current legislative majority has too long ignored."

I'll have more news about Restey as it appears.

Posted by simonstl at June 2, 2005 10:46 AM
Note on photos