June 26, 2005

Golf course reopens; Dryden graduates

This week's Dryden Courier leads with the success of two community volunteer initiatives: the Dryden Lake Golf Club and Dryden Dairy Day. The Lakeview Golf Course is running once again as the Dryden Lake Golf Club, with a crew of volunteers operating it. While George Szlasa still owns the course, the volunteers have been working on it since April 28th, cleaning, repairing, mowing, and working. The Dryden Dairy Day article includes a thank you from the organizers, as well as a listing of contest winners.

There are pictures of Dryden High School's graduating class of 2005, as well as valedictorians' comments from Emma McConnell and Ryan Mott.

On the editorial page, they welcome a new reporter, Elizabeth Rinaldo, who will be covering Dryden, Groton, and Lansing. I don't see any articles by Tony Hall in this edition, and I'll certainly miss him if he's gone.

There are obituaries for Christopher Ackley, who died in a car crash last week, and for Norman Frank Vantine, for whom the Varna Volunteer Fire Company has had a memorial on their sign this week.

In Anecdotes and Brevities, Harry Weldon reports having once heard a cougar at his home and tells of a wolf drive that began a little ways south of Dryden, in Slaterville, and drove the predators into Pennsylvania.

There's a report on the county's funding TC3's master plan, as well as one on the Tompkins County portion of the TC3 budget climbing $49,000.

In sports, there's a report on the improvement in Dryden baseball from a 3 wins and 18 losses record to 9 and 11, as well as a report on athletic awards given at the sports banquet last week.

Posted by simonstl at June 26, 2005 10:32 AM
Note on photos