July 04, 2005

Graduation, trails

This week's Dryden Courier leads with the Dryden High School graduation, as well as congratulations given to the Dryden school board and superintendent. Inside the paper, there are articles on the plans for a Freeville-to-Dryden trail and one on the walk Rebecca Elgie and Bernie Fetterly took, including a stop at Dryden's Time Square park, to highlight health care issues facing the country.

On the opinion page, the Courier's editorial chides the state Assembly and Senate for a lot of missed opportunities.

There's also an announcement from Duane (Tyke) Randall that he'll be running for the county legislative seat currently held by George Totman, which will force a Republican primary. The district includes Groton, the eastern edge of Lansing, and the northeastern corner of Dryden. Democrat Athena Kalandros is also in the race for that seat. The Courier seems to have done a light edit of a press release, and it keeps slipping between "Randall" and "I".

Freeville resident Brianna Farver and Dryden resident Charlotte Becker are listed for graduating from the University of Vermont and St.Lawrence University, respectively.

In sports, there's an article on TC3 softball, which includes recent Dryden High graduates Tiffany Volkert and Gabrielle Blackman, as well as a piece on hours for the Dryden High School fitness room, which will be open to student athletes Monday through Friday from 5:00pm to 6:30pm, as well as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00am to 11:00am. It will be open to the public from 6:30am to 8:30am Monday through Saturday mornings as well as from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

Posted by simonstl at July 4, 2005 04:07 PM
Note on photos