August 23, 2005

Cortland Road Sewer District, continued

An article in last night's Cortland Standard suggests that the issues I wrote about back in April of last year regarding the Cortland Road Sewer District have yet to be resolved. Ida Pease reports on a Village of Dryden trustees meeting where the Village trustees were wondering what was up with the Town of Dryden. The Village has waited for a new contract to start charging users more, and has lost $168,000 during the wait:

The town and TC3 have not signed the contract yet, so the village had not implemented the increases.

Large users - namely TC3, the TC3 Foundation, and Dryden High School - save a significant amount of money being billed this way.

Comments from trustees suggest that they're both concerned about the impact of this on the planned TC3 expansion and their work on a replacement sewer plant, the cost of which keeps increasing while they wait.

Posted by simonstl at August 23, 2005 08:19 PM
Note on photos