September 01, 2005

Where do your biosolids go?

That's not exactly a nice question, as 'biosolids' are treated sewage. This morning's Ithaca Journal looks at the use and safety of using treated sewage as fertilizer. While the article says that no farms in Tompkins County are doing this, apparently the Cayuga Heights sewage plant (which I think processes Varna's sewage, or did) sends biosolids to a farm in Seneca County, while the Village of Dryden plant sends theirs to a farm near Bath in Steuben County.

In more sewage treatment news, the Journal has a correction about engineering costs already incurred for the new Village of Dryden sewer plant: they are $307,000, not $37,000.

At the county level, negotiations between TCAT and its union made little progress yesterday.

Posted by simonstl at September 1, 2005 06:52 AM
Note on photos