September 06, 2005

Fixing schools, moving creeks

With the Labor Day weekend, I almost forgot to report on last week's issue of the Dryden Courier. It leads with articles on the Dryden School District's rush to finish renovations on the elementary schools, and with the successful completion of the Virgil Creek restoration project, which put Virgil Creek back in its original bed along Lake Road.

Inside, there's an announcement of Democratic Town Board candidates Mary Ann Sumner and Paul Lutwak, as well as a neat 'this month in history' box which looks back at seven years of recent history.

There's an article on upcoming development in Dryden, including a new Kinney Drugs across from the bowling alley, the new Ithaca Produce facility, and new uses for two older facilities. The former Ithaca Produce building may see Applied Pulsed Power moving in, while Autoworks may move from the Mount Pleasant Road/366 intersection the former F&T Distributing building below the former Boxcar near the 13/366 intersection.

In sports, there's a survey of volleyball teams, and an article on the Dryden Purple Lions' 4-3 defeat of Groton in boys soccer.

Posted by simonstl at September 6, 2005 07:05 PM
Note on photos