October 02, 2005

Barbershop stories

The Dryden Town Historical Society will be having a program that sounds thoroughly entertaining, as well as historical:

Barbershop Stories by Bob and Beachy

October 13, 2005
7:30 p.m. Thursday
Dryden Village Hall, corner of South and George Streets

Every town had its notable characters. Every town had its gathering places. Dryden had several barbershops where the locals gathered for haircuts, shave, and more importantly, to exchange the local news of the day. No person or event escaped their notice or comment!

Bob Watros and Laurence (Beachy) Beach will sit a spell in the old chairs from George McKeon's barber shop and recall the stories about the local merchant, politician, teacher, banker, farmer, doctor, violin maker, police chief, gardener, musician, gossip, liar, and vagrant that were topics of conversation in the barbershop.

Join us, and bring your recollections that will add to the storehouse of tales about Dryden's notable characters.

Free and all are welcome. Parking and elevator access off George Street.

Posted by simonstl at October 2, 2005 09:18 AM
Note on photos