November 09, 2005

Election day happenings

Today's Journal notices the November 8th election. The "Wilkinson wins DA race" across the top is hard to miss, as is the picture of County Legislator Martha Robertson congratulating Gwen Wilkinson, who defeated incumbent District Attorney George Dentes by a preliminary count of 10,947 to 9,099. They credit Robertson with a clear win over W. David Restey, but leave County Legislature District 14 unknown, with Mike Hattery leading County Legislator Mike Lane 842-801 as we head into the absentee ballots.

The Journal has articles on the DA's race, county legislative races, and Town races, noting the addition of a Democrat, Mary Ann Sumner, to the Dryden Town Board.

There's also an article on election meals, complete with a photo from last night's tasty chicken dinner at Dryden United Methodist Church.

In other Dryden news, Cathy Wakeman's Dryden Town Talk visits the Fortnightly Club exhibit at the Dryden History House, and notes that illusionist Toby Travis will be performing at the Reach Out for Christ Church tonight at 7:00pm.

Briefly in Dryden appears cut off online, but the events mentioned include:

  • A pancake breakfast Sunday at the Varna Community Center (map) from 8:00am to noon. It'll be $6 for adults, $5 for seniors, and $4 for children. They have pancakes, french toast, fruit, eggs, cakes, bacon, ham, and potatoes.

  • The Dryden Town Historical Society will have a presentation on historical markers, "Signs by the Side of the Road," on November 16th at 7:30pm at the Dryden Village Hall (map). Most people don't have a chance to read historic markers while they drive by, and this is a great chance to catch up.

  • The McLean Post Office is accepting donations for a "Share the Warmth" winter coat giveaway. The coats (and outdoor clothing) will be available for pickup on Saturday from noon to 3:00pm at the McLean Fire Station.

  • There will be a free forum on senior services on Thursday, January 12th, at the Dryden Fire Hall (map).

  • The TC3 Alumni Association is taking a trip to New York City on December 3rd, and the public can join the excursion for $40. They'll leave at 6:30am, and leave New York at 7:30pm.

In state news, one ballot proposition passed and another was defeated. The budget process amendment fell, while the transportation bond act passed.

On the opinion page, the editorial reflects on the passing of the lever voting machines and what will replace them, and Maureen Brull of Dryden contrasts Republicans' current unwillingness to investigate scandals with their eagerness when Bill Clinton was in office.

Posted by simonstl at November 9, 2005 11:47 AM
Note on photos