The minutes for Dryden Town Board meetings of December 3, December 10, and December 18 are now available on line. I'd worried earlier this week that there might not be new minutes, but we seem to have a complete set for 2003. Hopefully this will continue into 2004 and beyond.
The December 3 meeting was brief, largely a public hearing about F&T Distributing, which wants to move from its current location between Routes 13 and 366 to 15 Royal Road, at the Route 13-Hanshaw Road intersection (map). The water issues for that seem to be pretty complicated, as that side of Hanshaw Road is not in the water district, but there are already out of district users there. Other issues discussed included insurance, reimbursement for the Dryden Old Home Days, wastewater, and capital improvements to residential buildings.
The meeting on the 10th was a much longer meeting, including:
The minutes for the 18th are mostly about the intermunicipal waste water agreement, with the suggestion of another meeting before the end of the year, though it isn't clear if that happened. The board also approved postage for mailing tax bills next year, insurance for employees through the Teamsters, a transfer of funds, and brief discussion of the fire contracts, and had a personnel-related executive session where no action was taken.
Posted by simon at January 2, 2004 10:25 AM in emergency services , politics (local) , public finance , water and sewer