July 30, 2004

4-H fair; assault at George Jr.

Today's Ithaca Journal has pictures of the 4-H Fair in progress on Lower Creek Road.

The Monitor includes news of an assault on a George Jr. Republic employee as well as a DWI.

There's also a notice of a poker run Saturday benefitting Tanner Solveson.

Irene Scott of Dryden writes to complain that the Journal's coverage of the Democratic Convention's impact on Boston hasn't been as critical as its coverage of the Republican Convention's impact on New York will be.

In state news, much to my disappointment, Governor Pataki burnished his conservative credentials by vetoing an increase in the state minimum wage that the Republican Senate passed 51-7 and the Democratic Assembly 116-19. Our local Assemblywoman, Barbara Lifton, says in the article that "I'd hate to think that George Pataki thinks more about his national image than about New York state and the effects of his actions on the people."

In the usual three-person style of New York State government, the question of whether New York's minimum wage will increase is on Senator Bruno's shoulders. Hopefully he won't quietly duck away with a fabricated procedural maneuver.

Posted by simon at July 30, 2004 11:59 AM in , , ,
Note on photos