September 3, 2004

Dryden teachers approve contract 128-2

Dryden teachers finally have a contract, after working four of the last five years without one. The Dryden Faculty Association (DFA) approved a new contract yesterday, and teachers will start the school year with a contract in place. The Board of Education still has to approve the contract at its September 13th meeting. The Journal quotes DFA president Mary Ellen Bossack sounding optimistic: "It's like a big, dark cloud went away. There was a sense of cooperation that was lost and that's back. We're very, very happy."

At the county level, the administrator's proposed budget stays within the 3% tax levy increase requested, though there are still cuts in many programs. A potentially expensive project, the county jail, still lingers. The Public Safety Committee sent the legislature two jail proposals last night, a $3.5 million renovation of the existing 72-bed facility and a 136-bed jail for $19.96 million. The state also released some money to TCAT that was held up over its organizational structure.

The Journal's editorial, on flu vaccination, lists two Dryden vaccination events. There will be vaccinations at Dryden Veterans Memorial Home (map) on November 9th from 9am to noon, and at Bethel Grove Family Center (map) on November 10th from 9am to noon.

Posted by simon at September 3, 2004 7:33 AM in , , , , ,
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