October 1, 2004

Keeping farms alive; McLean crossing guard

Today's Ithaca Journal explores the many issues around land-use planning and agriculture in Dryden. The article looks at farmers' concerns about disappearing ag land, their financial needs, and different possible ways of addressing the issue.

There's also an article on 14-year crossing guard Margie Albern, who helps kids cross the street safely at Cassavant Elementary School in McLean.

Elia Kacapyr reports that August was not a great month for the Tompkins County economy, as every indicator he uses except air traffic declined.

The College News article is accompanied by pictures of Dryden-related stories. One shows Bert Neff presenting a plaque to Dryden Eagle Scout David Ink, who planned and organized a memorial garden in honor of Bret Neff, the Harford firefighter who died February 23rd while on a call in Slaterville Springs. There is also a picture of the garden. The other shows the Board of Directors of George Junior Republic, which has renamed itself the William George Agency for Children's Services.

There are two letters from Dryden residents in the Journal today. The first, from Charlie Hart of Freeville, looks at the military records of the two main presidential candidates and argues that "War is not fun but at least these two candidates didn't run and hide and didn't need President Ford to give them amnesty." The other, from Joyce Kantor of Freeville, challenges Congressman Sherwood Boehlert's environmental record and concludes "Let's elect Jeff Miller to Congress."

Posted by simon at October 1, 2004 5:37 PM in , , , , , , ,
Note on photos