November 3, 2004

Elections, budget

Much of the Journal's coverage today is about yesterday's elections. They lead their local coverage with a piece on the defeat of the OTB referendum, which quotes Bruce Drowne of Dryden as supporting the measure. There's also an article on Sherwood Boehlert's re-election to Congress. The print edition includes results for Tompkins County, though you can find those (and more detail) here.

There's a mention of tomorrow night's Dryden budget hearing, at 7:00pm at the Town Hall [Update: Moved to the Village Hall (map)], and also postings looking for Zoning Board of Appeals and Conservation Board applicants.

Today's paper also includes a seasonal forecast for central New York that predicts a cold and stormy winter.

The Journal's editorial calls for "an end to the division" of the country.

Posted by simon at November 3, 2004 8:22 AM in , , ,
Note on photos