April 13, 2005

Furry neighbors across the street

While I don't love having Route 366 in front of my house, it's been nice to know that the forested property on the other side of 366 is Cornell Plantations nature preserve. Between that and the massive amounts of fill it would take to put a building there above the swamp, I've been reasonably confident that it would stay about like it is now.

Yesterday, I discovered that I do in fact have some neighbors there, residents of the nature preserve. I doubt Cornell will mind much, as the residents have four legs, fur, tails, and powerful teeth.

Signs of beaver activity
Signs of beaver activity - woodchips and chopped down trees.

Beaver dam in nature preserve
Beaver dam in nature preserve.

I didn't actually see the beavers - I may go back sometime for a longer and quiet visit to see if they'll come out - but it's pretty clear they've settled in along the old railroad bed. I was looking for an old building I thought might be a leftover from the railroad, but it doesn't look like it had anything to do with the trains.

I've put up a gallery of the beavers' work if anyone's interested. (I know this is directly across from me because I can see the windows of my house in this picture.)

Update: the beavers are gone, their dam destroyed, but it's still pretty much a swamp in there.

Posted by simon at April 13, 2005 8:45 AM in , ,
Note on photos