May 17, 2005

Preliminary recreation survey results

One of the informational highlights of last Thursday's Town Board meeting was SUNY Cortland Associate Professor Sharon Todd's presentation on the preliminary results of the survey about Dryden recreation (133KB PDF, or 346KB selectable) that SUNY Cortland has been performing.

Professor Todd presents recreation survey
Professor Sharon Todd of SUNY Cortland presents the preliminary results of the recreation survey.

The preliminary report reflects 381 responses to a telephone survey (788KB PDF) plus a six-person older adults focus group and a two-person younger adults focus group. I've also posted the information sheet (73KB PDF) they used to answer questions respondents asked, and the focus group script (242KB PDF).

I think in this case reading the preliminary report (133KB PDF) is probably better than my summary, but there are two things that came up which seem worth noting. First, in the focus groups, the younger adults wanted a central place to meet, while the older group was happy with decentralized neighborhood community centers. Second, the Town Board and members of the audience asked for a breakdown of the survey numbers by voter district. (The survey was conducted using voter registration data, so that's readily available information.)

Professor Todd will be compiling the final report over the summer, so there will be more details to take in and ponder eventually.

Posted by simon at May 17, 2005 6:08 PM in
Note on photos