August 31, 2005

Village raises sewer rates

This morning's Ithaca Journal reports that the Village of Dryden has increased sewer rates on the Cortland Road Sewer District, moving ahead despite concerns over the lack of a contract with the town. It sounds like the trailer parks will bear a lot of the additional burden, with the six month bill for one park climbing from $1023 to $7189.

Cathy Wakeman's Dryden Town Talk reports on the Dryden Soccer Club's impending transition and a meeting to gather community support. She also notes that the Dryden Kitchen Cupboard could use donations, and that the Etna Community Church will be having a Rally Day on Sunday, September 11th at 10:00am.

Briefly in Dryden lists the upcoming Ellis Hollow Fair and Freeville Festival, both on Saturday, September 10th. Also, the Youth Commission is still seeking two new members.

There's also a correction to yesterday's story on Dryden Town Board races.

In county news, there's discussion of difficult negotiations between TCAT and its union, and increasing mention of a strike.

Posted by simon at August 31, 2005 12:19 PM in ,
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