January 18, 2006

Libertarians meet

When I posted my October review of voter registration, I accidentally left out Libertarians, as they hadn't existed in my database before. There were two then, though. There are three of them in Dryden now, and one, Michael Sylvia of Etna, sent me this report on their meeting last night:

Last night January 17th, the Ithaca Libertarian meeting enjoyed a visit from Jeff Russell. He traveled to Ithaca from the Albany area to introduce himself and ask the Ithaca libertarians to endorse his nomination for the US Senate seat held by Senator Clinton. He made clear that his fundamental reason for running is his objection to the ongoing conflict in Iraq, the nebulous 'war' on terrorism and the civil rights abuses contained in the Patriot Act. While these are his primary motivations, he holds true to libertarian views on other issues. He was well received at the meeting and my sense is he will be supported by the Ithaca Libertarians at the Libertarian state convention in April.

Michael notes that "While we are called Ithaca libertarians, we include all of Tompkins county."

(I don't often report on meetings in Ithaca, but since the Libertarian Party is just getting started here, and probably won't have a Dryden committee for a while, it seemed like a good idea.)

Posted by simon at January 18, 2006 6:12 PM in
Note on photos