This morning's Ithaca Journal visits the My Brother's Keeper Quilt Group, which is based at the Dryden United Methodist Church. They've now quilted over 2000 sleeping bags since 1992. The bags are distributed to people without homes in Syracuse, Cortland, and Ithaca.
The Dryden United Methodist Church also gets a laurel from Doris Speer for its recent work testing people for possible bone marrow donations. Dryden residents Jeanette Knapp and Liam Murphy also give out laurels, with Knapp thanking those who helped the Women Making History celebration, and Murphy thanking his Cub Scout troop for lots of hard work.
In the print edition but not online, there's a letter from Arthur Barry of Dryden telling illegal aliens he "covered for you" while they were "out protesting against legitimate Americans" and "threatening to make America an Hispanic nation."
There are also some photos of a hawk that were taken near the vet school, just west of the Dryden line.
Posted by simon at April 22, 2006 10:56 AM in Ithaca Journal , churches , politics (national)