This morning's Ithaca Journal reports that the alternative energy ordinance will be introduced at tomorrow's Town Board meeting, hopefully eventually freeing Dryden residents to take further steps to generate power for their own homes.
I'm happy to see that the Town took on a project I was once considering doing for this site, creating a map of hiking trails in the Town of Dryden. There are lots of them out there - actually, I suspect more than the Town listed - but it's great to see.
Dryden and Ithaca high schools need more progress in English, and George Junior Republic needs more progress in middle-school math, according to a No Child Left Behind report published by the State Education Department.
The print edition has an article on the retirement of Freeville and Cassavant Elementary principal Paula Thoma and the arrival of new principal Audrey Ryan.
Local Briefs note that TC3 will be shut down on Sunday because the water will be off for construction. It will reopen on Monday as usual.
After yesterday's primary, Hillary Clinton will be facing John Spencer for US Senate, Eliot Spitzer will be facing John Faso for Governor, and Andrew Cuomo will be facing Jeanine Pirro for Attorney General. The results for Tompkins County had the same pattern of winners and losers, though with different margins, especially in the Senate primary.
Posted by simon at September 13, 2006 7:55 AM in Ithaca Journal , energy , natural areas , schools (Dryden) , schools (Ithaca)