December 15, 2006

Dryden fire disputes to mediation?

Fire coverage in Dryden is a very complicated and frequently explosive subject. It's had major impacts on Dryden politics, and keeps the Town Board occupied. A lot of it stems from the challenge of supervising four departments, each covering a different kind of area with a different set of financial supports and priorities. I was surprised, though, to see this morning's Ithaca Journal report that the Town is asking a mediator to join the conversation. One thing worries me: the article contains no response from the fire companies. I'm hoping that just means the reporter wasn't able to reach them on the phone.

There's also an article on organic dairy farming, focused mainly on conversation with Vaugh Sherman of Dryden's Jerry Dell Farm about why it makes sense to go organic.

In the Ithaca school district, discussion of a possible bond plan continues.

There's also an article about problems and possible changes in New York's Town and Village court system.

On the opinion page, Joe Riggins of Freeville writes to say that changing the closing time of Tompkins County bars isn't likely to make a difference.

The editorial encourages readers to donate locally as a holiday gift, listing examples of local options. If you'd like to make your donations in Dryden specifically, I have a list of local organizations that would no doubt be happy to receive some help.

Posted by simon at December 15, 2006 8:32 AM in , ,
Note on photos


Tiffany said:

No response from the fire chiefs.


Mary Ann said:

Simon, et al

Check out Dryden Democrats for a better description of the Board's discussion. The Journal's biggest blunder was saying in the headline that there was a decision. We haven't decided anything. We're talking about talking to CDRC about including a facilitator in the discussion.

I apologize to the Chiefs for not inviting them to the meeting. I didn't think it was necessary because this was the very first discussion of the idea and I knew no decision would be made. I applaud them for not responding before they have enough information