March 22, 2007

Kiwanis recognizes Dryden teens

Several Dryden High School seniors were honored on March 13th by the Dryden Kiwanis Club for their community involvement and their achievements.

I already reported on yesterday's change in Dryden Village election results, and there's nothing new to the story in the Journal article.

In the print edition, there's a letter from Katrina Blair of Dryden calling for Cornell to suspend student Alexander Atkind for his admitted abuse of a dog under his care.

Posted by simon at March 22, 2007 4:47 PM in
Note on photos


NYCO said:

Not having read the letter to the editor about the Cornell student, I would be inclined to agree with a call for suspension, if only because Cornell is home to the most highly regarded veterinary medical school in the country. Sorry, I don't think Cornell can or should compartmentalize this one.