August 7, 2007

13's Fall Creek bridge 'obsolete'?

While reading the Journal's article on Route 96 repairs and being glad that I don't drive there very often, I noticed a comment directing me to a list of obsolete and structurally deficient bridges in Tompkins County.

I'm not certain, but I think this entry is missing a '66' in the Route 366, and is the bridge on Route 13 over Fall Creek between Lower Creek Road and the Route 366 intersection. (The other Fall Creek bridge on 13 is listed with "13 + 34".)

Status:O Rating:64.9 Road:13 County:TOMPKINS Feature:FALL CREEK Location:.6 MI NW JCT SH 13 & SH 3

That O means a:

functionally obsolete bridge has older design features and, while it is not unsafe for all vehicles, it cannot safely accommodate current traffic volumes, and vehicle sizes and weights.

It's not the lowest bridge rating in the county. There are two worse ones. I'll try to get more data on what that 64.9 means exactly. Its being "functionally obsolete" is part of the rating, and that may just mean that it's not considered wide enough for the traffic it carries, but the rest I'm not as sure about.

Posted by simon at August 7, 2007 9:48 PM in
Note on photos