August 8, 2007

Bridges and food

This morning's Ithaca Journal reads a bit like an echo of this blog last night. I worried about 13's bridge over Fall Creek, and there are reports on how the state has diverted money from the highway fund for years and on the governor ordering bridge inspections, though only of those bridges with the design that failed in Minnesota. "2,206 of the state's 7,604 bridges were rated deficient last year, a consistent number over the last three years." Ouch. I wonder how that compares to other states.

I also wrote about eating locally, and Patricia Brhel writes about local food in Caroline.

Yesterday's letters about the Drop-In Center seem to have worked, with the County Legislature voting 9-5 to give the Drop-In Center $50,000, but no more, this year. They still have to find $65,000 somewhere. County Legislator Mike Hattery voted against it, as he had in committee. County Legislator Martha Robertson warned of other problems if the center should close:

If they lose their child care over night and those families can't replace it, those families lose their jobs, and we're at risk of actually being fined lots of money by the federal government for falling below the (minimum) percentage of people on public assistance who are working.

That same article notes that the county will be putting the Health Department on Brown Road in Lansing, not at the hospital or the NYSEG building as originally proposed. I suspect Trumansburg residents won't find that a big improvement over the NYSEG building, but I guess it's a few miles closer to them.

At least one recent Dryden burglary has seen arrests, for the theft of a drill from Saunders Concrete.

Posted by simon at August 8, 2007 12:40 PM in , , , ,
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