I missed Mike Lane's comments in yesterday's article about a Town Hall held by neighboring State Senator George Winner. Lane asked hard questions about redistricting in New York State, and Winner basically ducked with the lame excuse that "the district was drawn to maintain the voting power of the rural counties."
Maybe it's easier for Winner to believe that than Dryden's representative, Jim Seward, whose district was recently compared to Abraham Lincoln riding a vacuum cleaner, but it's funny how Winner's sort of square district carries Ithaca as its eastern pimple.
Winner's dead wrong in his opposition to freeing redistricting from the Legislature, happy to stay trapped in a strange world where power in Albany flows down from the leadership rather than up from the voters. (He seems happy as Joe Bruno's pit bull, though.)
Posted by simon at September 29, 2007 7:57 AM in Ithaca Journal , politics (state)