November 2, 2007

More endorsements

Today's Ithaca Journal mentions a TC3 open house that has, alas, already happened today. The rest of the Dryden activity is on the opinion page, in letters to the editor.

  • County Legislator Mike Hattery of Dryden writes to support Cheryl Nelson for Town Supervisor and Stan Marcus and Walter Keeney for Town Board.

  • Kyle Downey of Dryden writes that "Dave Makar is good for Dryden," and encourages readers to vote for him for Town Board on Tuesday.

  • Christa Downey of Dryden supports Dave Makar for Town Board as well.

Tomorrow's the last day the Journal will be publishing letters to the editor on local elections, and they all had to be in by Monday.

Posted by simon at November 2, 2007 5:00 PM in ,
Note on photos