February 27, 2008

Dryden present, too

There's also a lot of news about current happenings in Dryden today in the Journal.

Cathy Wakeman reports on three Dryden residents who bicycled from Dryden to San Diego this fall, leaving Dryden on September 18th and arriving in San Diego on December 12th. She also notes that the Dryden Hall of Fame committee will be meeting February 28th, that the High School fitness room is open to the public weekdays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, and that there will be a parenting skills workshop starting tonight.

The Journal tells the brightening but hardly sugar-coated story of Grasen Alexander, who missed a year of school because of complications from cerebral palsy. There will be a chicken barbecue for him at the McLean Fire Station this Friday, February 29th, at 4:00pm, with a benefit party at the Dryden Fire Hall on Saturday, March 1st, from 11:00am to 4:00pm.

In the Ithaca schools, the district had to discard school lunch food because of its connection to a gigantic and none too pleasant beef recall.

On the opinion page, Dan Karig of Bethel Grove writes about sediment in Cayuga Lake, much of which originates in Dryden's streams and creeks.

Posted by simon at February 27, 2008 12:31 PM in , , ,
Note on photos