September 10, 2008

Freeville Harvest Festival Saturday

Today's Ithaca Journal is fairly busy. As always, Cathy Wakeman has a lot on Dryden:

  • The Freeville Harvest Festival will be this Saturday, September 13th, from 8:30am to 3:00pm. It's always a lot of fun, especially for food.

  • The Dryden Youth Opportunity Fund will celebrate five years of work on Wednesday, September 17th at 7:00pm at the Dryden Community Cafe.

  • The Southworth Library will hold their book sale on the 18th, 19th, and 20th at the Dryden Fire Hall.

  • The Dryden Community Cafe will host "Beyond Fire" emergency preparedness sessions on Tuesday nights, from the Dryden Fire Department.

  • Also at the cafe, a Songwriter's Workshop on Monday the 22nd at 6:30pm

  • For those looking to save on energy costs, Cooperative Extension will be holding one of their free "Save Energy, Save Dollars" presentations in conjunction with the Dryden Renewable Energy Workgroup on September 24th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. It will also be at the cafe. (Pre-registration is required.)

  • The Varna United Methodist Church will have a chicken barbecue on the 20th, starting at 4:00pm.

In the southwestern corner of the town, Dan Karig and Joanne Molenock gave an easement on 35 acres along Fall Creek to the Finger Lakes Land Trust. Hopefully that will keep some pressure off that watershed.

And sadly, the Ithaca Journal itself continues to shrink. I can't say I expect local coverage to improve given Gannett's cheerless priorities. (And color comics went away too.)

Posted by simon at September 10, 2008 7:52 AM in , , , ,
Note on photos