October 16, 2009

Etna Soup and Salad a success

Events at the Etna Community Center have a habit of being delicious, even outside of the Chocolate Festival. Wednesday night's Soup & Salad was both busy and delicious.

The opening salad, bread, and dessert.
The opening salad, bread, and dessert.

Crowd enjoying soup and salad.
Crowd enjoying soup and salad.

In the kitchen, the keepers of the soup.
In the kitchen, the keepers of the soup..

Lining up for soup.
Lining up for soup.

It was a delicious meal, with probably a dozen soup choices at the beginning. They'll be having another one on Wednesday, November 18th. There will also be a craft festival, which will probably include something tasty, on Saturday, November 7th from 10:00am to 2:00pm.

Posted by simon at October 16, 2009 11:53 AM in
Note on photos