April 25, 2010

Konrad Simon St.Laurent arrives

He was a little early, but Angelika realized this morning at church that little Konrad wanted to see the world soon. Thankfully, he was quick, and we now have a delightful son to raise.

Little Konrad.
Little Konrad.

Vital statistics.
Vital statistics.

Konrad tries on his first outfit.
Konrad tries on his first outfit.

Posted by simon at April 25, 2010 8:39 PM in
Note on photos


Shelley said:

Handsome little baby in his cute little yellow suit. Congratulations to you and Angelika!

David Makar said:

Hooray! Welcome to Dryden! Congratulations to the whole family!

Wonderful! Congrats to all four of you. He looks like an active critter in his banana-suit - wish I had one.

Konrad und Christel Rumberger said:

Wir freuen uns mit euch über das Brüderchen von Sungiva und sind stolz, dass es den gleichen Vornamen besitzt wie sein Großonkel. Ganz herzliche Glückwünsche aus Essen-Kettwig

Jan Morgan said:

Spring has arrived in Varna with flowers, chicken BBQs and Konrad!! Looking forward to meeting Sungiva's little brother.

Gisela Gerber said:

Wie herrlich, dass Konrad so ungeduldig war, zur Welt zu kommen, und Du, liebe Angelika, die Geburt so glatt erleben konntest. Wie dankbar und seelig werdet Ihr sein, das Gottesgeschenk endlich im Arm halten zu dürfen! Wir können ja viel von ihm erwarten, bedeutet sein Name doch:"kühner Ratgeber",wie mein Namensbuch sagt.
In herzlicher Mitfreude grüßt Euch Eure Gisela.

Krys Cail said:

So happy for you! Congratulations.

Susan said:

Wonderful news - happiness, friends!

Margaret McCasland said:

Welcome, Konrad. Congratulations to you all!