Saturday's Ithaca Journal had a brief piece on last Thursday's Planning Board meeting where the Planning Board moved the new zoning draft to the Town Board, with recommendations for improvements and a process that includes multiple boards:
More work is needed on the second iteration of the town's controversial zoning proposal...
Planning board Chair Joe Lalley told residents at the meeting that all of their comments have been meaningful and are being taken into account, especially with regard to revisions of the proposed zoning map. He also added that he requested the town board solicit more public comment before the 4-year-old project was passed, which could happen as early as this winter.
The Journal spends a bit more time on the property owners who think the law is too restrictive than on the other half of comments from people in Varna who'd like to see more detailed planning in the hamlet. Those seem to be the two primary conversations as this moves along, though I suspect we'll hear more pieces emerge as this develops further.
(I did post the audio of the meeting in my earlier brief piece. I'll also have more thoughts on the draft - they're just taking a while percolating.)
Posted by simon at August 2, 2010 12:22 PM in Ithaca Journal , planning and zoning