December 1, 2010

Light flooding in Robertson's Corners

It's changed from rain to snow now, but it was a pretty exciting morning of waterfalls and mud.

Waterfalls between my house and the neighbor.
Waterfalls between my house and the neighbor.

Culvert emptying across 366.
Culvert emptying across 366.

Fortunately, the foundation and drainage work from last year seems to be holding up well.

I went exploring the neighborhood a bit, pointing the camera up the hill where the water was coming down and checking out my swales, as well as the local ditches and waterfalls.

Update: and now it looks like this:

Snow after flooding.
Snow after flooding.

Posted by simon at December 1, 2010 12:18 PM in , ,
Note on photos


Brian said:

Here's what once was a tiny stream in my backyard: shot just before the snow today

KAZ said:

Ellis Hollow Road was partly underwater when I drove through at noon, and the intersection at East Hill Plaza was a lake, with confused-looking emergency personnel directing traffic through the P&C parking lot. At 2, kids at Dryden MS/HS were sent home early--no afterschool activities. Welcome to winter.