May 26, 2011

Southworth House donated to Historical Society

At last night's annual meeting of the Dryden Town Historical Society, President Betsy Cleveland said that attorney Mike Lane had called her and said he needed to talk with the Board of Trustees. She'd wondered "who on earth would want to sue the Historical Society?" but it was a happier story than that.

Attorney Mike Lane makes an announcement.
Attorney Mike Lane makes an announcement.

Lane told the story of Rebecca Simpson, last of her line in the Southworth House, built in 1836 between the present Presbyterian Church and the fire station. She'd always loved Dryden and that house. She had been active in the early days of the Historical Society, even a Trustee, and she left that house and most of its furnishings to the DTHS.

Southworth House, from the Presbyterian Church.
Southworth House at twilight, from the Presbyterian Church.

There's a lot more to do to make this happen, but the DTHS has started work on it. Expect to see a lot more fundraisers over the next year or so, and hopefully a lot of excitement!

(And yes, I should have brought a better camera with me.)

Posted by simon at May 26, 2011 6:29 AM in
Note on photos