September 20, 2013

Slides for "Death, Hell, or Canada"

Last night's Dryden Town Historical Society talk went well, with a mostly-happy-seeming thirty or so people in the audience. I know a lot of folks were at other meetings, and I suspect that at least some parts of the talk will be interesting to those curious about the War of 1812 or the Battle of Queenston Heights.

I've posted the slides on Slideshare, and put up a resource page with links to the source materials and more on Queenston and the War of 1812.

All of this is licensed under a Creative Commons license in the hopes that other people will use the content and photos to create other useful or interesting things.

I'm considering giving the talk again, perhaps in Ellis Hollow. (Most of the Dryden folks named are from Ellis Hollow, most notably Peleg Ellis.)

Posted by simon at September 20, 2013 8:47 AM in
Note on photos