August 25, 2004

Teachers' agreement, water issue

This week's Dryden Courier explores the happier feelings coming out of the Dryden Central School District's negotiations with the Dryden Faculty Association. If all goes well as seems possible in the September 2nd vote, teachers should have a contract in place before the school year starts.

The other front page article looks at the water contamination problem at 730 Midline Road, examining both the water issues and the property-ownership questions that have made resolving the water issues so difficult.

There's a picture on the front page of Ted Sobel playing washtub bass at the recent Hammond Hill Block Party. Previously I'd seen Ted (minus the washtub) at Babbage's Basement, a place I strongly recommend to anyone who'd like to be a recycled computer cheaply, or who wants to donate used computer equipment to a worthy cause. (It's a project of the Sciencenter.)

The Sports pages look at boys and girls soccer, and include schedules for both teams as well as pictures.

On the editorial page, the Courier joins the Ithaca Journal in its recent concerns over Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton's decision not to even present a bill for making TCAT an authority, leaving it stuck in the less convenient category of non-profit organization. Their last paragraph sums up the problem well:

"When Lifton was running for State Assembly, the Ithaca Times pressed to see if she would challenge the Democratic Assembly leadership, which has been anathema to good governance in New York State. However, Lifton glided past our question, declining to even agree that Albany is dysfunctional. We can only hope that, after less than two years, she has not already been lost in the rusty cogs of the Albany machine."

(The full editorial is available on the Ithaca Times web site.)

Posted by simonstl at August 25, 2004 06:43 PM
Note on photos