September 04, 2004

Schools watch roofs; county transportation

Dryden appears briefly in this morning's Journal, mentioned once in an article about schools inspecting their roofs after a collapse in Washingtonville, and once in an article on the start of football season.

The county is working on a long-range transportation plan. There will be a public meeting on the plan from 6:30pm to 8:30pm on Thursday at the Tompkins County Public Library (map).

On the opinion page, there are a Dryden laurel and dart, and a letter:

  • I sent Ann Leonard and everyone involved in the Hammond Hill trail repair and block party a laurel.
  • Nancy Lee Koschmann of Dryden sent the Journal a dart for not covering the "wall" protest on the Ithaca Commons. I thought I saw an picture of that, but I guess it was in the Ithaca Times. The Journal was at the candlelight vigil Thursday, and I haven't seen an article on that either.

  • Maureen Brull of Dryden asks "Why aren't we focusing on the lies that Bush perpetrated to the world that has now cost innocent American and Iraqi lives in the thousands, not to mention those who are forever maimed?"
Posted by simonstl at September 4, 2004 10:11 AM
Note on photos