November 26, 2004

Varna cleanup in progress

After an article earlier this week that mentioned the uncertain status of a gas spill at Varna Auto Works, the Journal has an update that talks with the owners about the status of the cleanup. Varna Auto is investing over $50,000 to clean up gasoline spills created by "unused tanks previous owners had left in the ground."

On the opinion page, Louise Edelman of the Town of Dryden questions House Republicans who recently modified their rules to let leaders remain after a felony indictment, concluding that "When politicians fail to govern with dignity, we must stand up, speak out and hold them accountable." (Dryden's Congressman, Sherwood Boehlert supported the rule change.)

The Journal's editorial encourages readers to contact the paper with news, events, and comments, suggesting that "a daily newspaper works most efficiently when information flows both ways, between its staff and you."

Posted by simonstl at November 26, 2004 08:28 AM
Note on photos