November 27, 2004

State budget and TC3

Today's Journal reports on Governor Pataki's apparently sustained veto of $325,000 in aid to TC3. The article left me wondering if the college aid was included in a list of vetoes the Senate couldn't override because the Assembly hadn't overridden it, but this Newsday article makes clear that it is. The $325,000 was for operating expenses, and the college has adjusted its budget. Pataki also vetoed $10.6 million of capital expenses for TC3, but the overrides on that haven't been attempted yet.

There are three articles on issues in the county that affect Dryden. The Journal looks at recent car-truck collisions and finds the drivers of the cars to have been the cause. There's a piece describing the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and the aid it provides. Finally, Elia Kacapyr finds that Tompkins County's economy grew strongly in October.

Posted by simonstl at November 27, 2004 08:28 AM
Note on photos