May 04, 2005

Play; Saltonstall building; ATVs

Normally, even when there's lots of Dryden news, I can come up with a single clear headline. Today, there's just too much on too many different subjects.

There's a profile of TC3 adjunct professor Paul McCabe, whose play "Get Off" won the Jean Kennedy Smith Playwriting Award.

The Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts now has a new energy-efficient administrative building at its Ellis Hollow Creek Road arts colony. They'll be having open houses over the summer, with the first on June 19th.

Briefly in Dryden lists branch chipping this Saturday and Monday, free spaying for cats belonging to Dryden residents in May at the SPCA, a public hearing on the Storm Water Management Plan at the Town Board meeting on the 10th, and a Jazz Night Saturday May 14th from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.

On the opinion page, Hammond Hill resident Ann Leonard, who sponsored last year's Hammond Hill trail repair and block party, has a guest column on the proposed new rules for letting more ATVs into state forests. She concludes:

If the DEC cannot afford the policing necessary to monitor current ATV activity, I cannot believe what little funds Gov. Pataki proposes to provide would allow for adequate policing later. As we've seen over and over again, what the governor giveth, he can taketh away. Remember how education was going to be supported by legalized gambling?

Only the truly disabled require an ATV to access public land for hunting or camping. Such access is already sanctioned. For the rest of us, I say leave that machine at home, get out and get some exercise. It will do your health a world of good. And you may just get to hear the golden notes of a hermit thrush.

I'm also happy to see that a stronger Freedom of Information Law passed and was signed into law, though the exemption for the legislature itself seems very odd.

Posted by simonstl at May 4, 2005 07:51 AM
Note on photos