June 03, 2005

Varna, Bulgaria, meets Varna, NY

One of the wilder things about the World Wide Web is that it's genuinely World Wide. This isn't always helpful - doing a Google search on "Varna" brings up a lot about Varna, Bulgaria. Sometimes it gets more interesting, though!

On Monday, I had an email from Jordan Todorov of 168 Hours, a weekly newspaper published in Bulgaria. He was looking for information about Varna, as it shares a name with the third-largest city in Bulgaria. I didn't have much to tell him about the name, though I think he reached other people who knew more, but he put up an article using some of the photos on this site.

Aerial photo of Varna, published in Bulgaria
Aerial photo of Varna, published in Bulgarian newsweekly 168 Hours.

Jordan said I could post the following excerpts, so here are three pages on Varna from 168 Hours. All of them are in Bulgarian, and the Cyrillic characters make it hard even to guess.

Even if I can't read it, it's very cool to see it. Anyone speak Bulgarian?

Posted by simonstl at June 3, 2005 12:35 PM
Note on photos