All I can say is wow! (Other) Dryden bloggers have been on fire the last few days. The latest fantastic piece, Nineveh Makes Me Tyred, comes from Dryden Daily KAZ. From its opening reflections on Buffalo through its looks at...
It's way too easy to forget just how much history is all around us here in Upstate New York, and the Dryden Town Historical Society hopes to remind us: Great Graves of Upstate New York The final resting places of...
(Cross-posted at The Albany Project, and there are lots of comments there.) [I've been working on this for a long while, but NYCO's brilliant Why there will always be an Upstate provoked me into finally posting it.] When Republican lawmakers...
Once again, the Dryden Courier sparkles as the one place in town to find in-depth news on the Town of Dryden. One issue of the Courier is easily worth two weeks of the Ithaca Journal or Cortland Standard. Of course,...
The New York State Organic Advisory Task Force will have at least one participant from Dryden, Vaughn Sherman of Jerry Dell Farm. This morning's Journal also has an article comparing Governor Spitzer's plan for Upstate with the State Senate's plan....
I'd been wondering what Governor Spitzer was going to do in his State of Upstate speech, and I'm still not sure what I think of the details. I do, however, think the conclusion is something that everyone in New York...
I've generally covered the Ithaca schools less and less, unless something was directly relevant to Dryden residents. Most Dryden elementary students in the Ithaca School District attend Caroline Elementary, so this report of safety improvements should be welcome. There's also...
Trolley bells can be annoying, but after a while you don't hear them. It's convenient to have one right in front of my house, though, since the trolley lines and the bike paths next to them are the only reliable...
This morning's Ithaca Journal opinion page has a letter from Hans and Doris Fuchs of Freeville wondering how their school taxes skyrocketed - "more than 150 percent higher than last year's bill." They've heard that "Star and Enhanced Star" were...
I guess that talking about the Upstate-Downstate relationship inevitably leads to talk of possible separation, of ways to fragment the state. NYCO points to another discussion on separation, with both Upstate and Downstate voices. I don't think we're headed for...
Every now and then I get to enjoy the results of a conversation I started, and it's been a good week for hearing other people state really clearly what's on my mind. I posted a piece about Upstate's past and...
Upstate New York is trapped by its past and offers a glimpse of the rest of the country's future. Its past was one of wealth and innovation, providing a place where the ideas and commerce of New York City melded...