March 6, 2004

Partial hamlets census

The Draft Comprehensive Plan actually defines four hamlets within the town, though Etna and Varna are the two most frequently discussed. The other two hamlets are fragments, one being the Dryden side of McLean, which is largely in the Town of Groton, and the other being a tract of land north of the Village of Dryden and east of Route 13.

Like Varna and Etna, these hamlets have no official standing with the Census Bureau, so I've had to make some estimates of which census blocks are in the hamlets, using the same techniques I used to collect census data for Etna and Varna.

In Figure 5-1 of the Draft Comprehensive Plan (301 KB PDF), the hamlet north of Dryden looks like the picture below. The "hamlet" portion this calculation is about is just the yellow.

Dryden hamlet area
The hamlet area north of Dryden, as defined in yellow by the Draft Comprehensive Plan.

A comparable area, defined in census blocks, is highlighted here:

Dryden hamlet census blocks
Census blocks which include the hamlet north of the Village of Dryden as defined by the Draft Comprehensive Plan.

The Dryden portion of McLean is slightly more difficult, as most of southwestern McLean is one large (and not particularly dense) census block. In the Draft Comprehensive Plan, the Dryden portion of the McLean hamlet is highlighted in yellow:

McLean hamlet area
The McLean hamlet area in the Town of Dryden, as defined in yellow by the Draft Comprehensive Plan.

A roughly comparable area, defined in census blocks, is highlighted here:

McLean hamlet census blocks
Census blocks which include the Town of Dryden portion of the hamlet of McLean as defined by the Draft Comprehensive Plan.

The westernmost block highlighted there contained 56 people, 19 households, and 20 housing units (only one of which was rental) in the 2000 census.

The results for these areas are given in the tables below. The population totals look like:

Population McLean Dryden Hamlet Area
Total 324 219
White 316 211
Black 6 6
American Indian/Eskimo 1 0
Asian 0 0
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0
Other 0 0
Multi-racial 1 2
Hispanic 2 0
Males 163 113
Females 161 106
Under 5 31 20
5 to 17 60 49
18 to 21 14 11
22 to 29 30 20
30 to 39 60 41
40 to 49 45 33
50 to 64 50 26
65 and up 34 19

Moving to households, we get:

Households McLean Dryden Hamlet Area
Total households 124 88
Household - 1 Male Only 7 11
Household - 1 Female Only 12 14
Married, Children 30 18
Married, No Children 42 16
Male Head of House, Child 8 5
Female Head of House, Child 13 11
Families 100 56

And looking at housing, we get:

Housing Units McLean Dryden HA
Total Housing Units 135 98
Vacant 11 10
Owner-Occupied 106 62
Renter-Occupied 18 26

As with Varna and Etna, there's an issue with mobile home parks and the distinction between owner- and renter-occupied. It's not entirely clear how the census accounts for mobile homes which are owned by their occupants but which are in a park with fees. So far as I can tell, these are counted as owner-occupied, not as rentals.

Posted by simon at March 6, 2004 12:25 PM in , , ,
Note on photos