September 18, 2004

Fire funds questions; Church celebrates 200 years

This morning's Ithaca Journal reports that questions about what constitutes an 'active member' are delaying the distribution of foreign fire insurance money.

State law requires that the money, which comes from out-of-state insurance carriers covering property in Dryden, be distributed according to the number of active members in the companies, but doesn't define active. Etna reported 59 members last year and 38 this year, while Dryden was 58 last year and 54 this, Varna was 28 last year and thirty this year, and Freeville 27 last year and 23 this. Combined with Etna's low responsiveness to fire calls, there are lots of questions about how this counting works.

Etna Community Church is celebrating 200 years of worship this weekend. There will be hymn singing tonight at 6:30pm, and a celebration service tomorrow at 10am. (For more on the founding of the church, see George Goodrich's history of Etna.)

There is also a county health report, though it looks like it duplicates much of Thursday's Environmental Health Highlights.

Posted by simon at September 18, 2004 9:28 AM in , , , ,
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