July 16, 2005

Dryden people, Ithaca projects

This morning's Ithaca Journal doesn't look at what's happening in Dryden, but it has three pieces in which Dryden residents are involved in Ithaca.

  • In an article about the approval of tax breaks for the Gateway II project in downtown Ithaca, Dryden resident and Ithaca School Board member David Lee opposed the tax breaks. County Legislator Mike Lane, chairman of the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency, voted with the majority to approve the tax breaks after long and contentious discussion, as did Legislator George Totman.

  • In Darts & Laurels, Ellis Hollow resident Jeanette Knapp, in her capacity as president of the Board of Directors of the City Federation of Women's Organizations, sends a laurel to a wide variety of people and organizations for the July 4th flares around the lake, which helped support the Federation and the Women's Community Building.

  • In letters, Marcus Collins of Etna uses the controversy over Redbud Woods to address the larger question of the depth of Cornell's interest in sustainable use of resources:

    we have many older students and graduate students who live many miles away where bus service is poor. But we also have students who are driving from Collegetown. Collegetown. That is ridiculous, wasteful, and lazy; by catering to such parking "needs" you are buying into an unsustainable lifestyle.

    Moreover, what is sustainable about building on our green space? What is sustainable about forcing our athletes to commute a couple miles to their practices after you build over their fields? These new dorms (which lack many sustainable ideas suggested for them) are supposed to be about education. Why not teach these students about the wastefulness of driving two blocks up the hill. Besides, you can tell them, "It's a nice walk."

While I don't see anyone from Dryden quoted in the story about last night's Harry Potter midnight release parties, I suspect Dryden residents were among those enjoying the fun. I meant to stop by myself, but fell asleep on the couch instead. Oh well.

Posted by simon at July 16, 2005 8:54 AM in ,
Note on photos