May 3, 2007

Freeville heads right

This morning's Ithaca Journal brings two letters to the editor from the conservative side of the political spectrum. Edgar Seymour of Freeville calls for the prosecution of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for her recent trip to Syria, while Robert Romano writes to blast an earlier commenter on gun laws.

At the county level, the Journal's editorial calls for a tax levy budget goal, and there's an article on the county's drug court.

The print edition is strangely large, as if they were expecting a lot more news that didn't come, and filled it in with AP stories. There's a lot of state news, including an article on Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton's introduction of a bill that would let state employees sue the state government for discrimination as employees of private employers can. The expanded section is a great thing, though I'm wondering how it happened.

Posted by simon at May 3, 2007 8:44 AM in , , , ,
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