It's a house, not necessarily a Russian vacation house, but the impressive educational homestead these folks are building reminds me that Bone Plain Road seems to be the place to be over the last few years for strawbale homes and sustainable living. It's also interesting to me that they approached the project as a group of six people, which makes a lot of the do-it-yourself easier as well as increasing the return on building investment. They also have a website.
If you have natural gas, you should know that NYSEG will be sending Heath Consultants to look for leaks over the next few months. Note that:
Posted by simon at May 21, 2011 8:18 AM in Ithaca Journal , West Dryden , energyAll Heath vehicles will be clearly marked and all Heath employees will carry NYSEG contractor photo ID. Any customer who has doubts about someone claiming to be a NYSEG employee or contractor should ask the person for the name and phone number of their supervisor.